Our many years of research suggest that growth is largely determined by the markets that companies choose to align themselves with. That's why it's critical to identify the right trends and take action to exploit them. Yet many companies passively manage their assets through a simple annual review that is primarily financial, and miss opportunities.
Our extensive expertise, tools and experience make us a unique partner in advising clients on how to drive more value from their businesses.
We have found that high-performing companies are pragmatic and dynamic reallocators of resources. These companies continually grow by investing in their existing businesses, developing or acquiring their core and strategic assets, and shedding unprofitable parts. They are more resilient in the face of increasing change, are more likely to remain independent, and create more value, especially in times of economic turmoil.
Yet most companies are slow to move their resources. Every year, they stick to the same processes for strategy development, capital planning, talent management and budgeting. Each year, the result is only slightly different from the previous year and the year before that. To paraphrase Albert Einstein, they do the same thing over and over again but expect different results.
We help our clients design more effective strategic planning processes to overcome the inertia that hinders growth and prevents the active reallocation of resources. We have developed proven tools and techniques to help leaders break out of the status quo and overcome the processes and behavioral barriers that prevent it.
Companies often struggle with their strategic management and planning processes. It can be difficult to balance short-term returns with long-term strategic goals. It can also be difficult to create the conditions necessary to execute strategies.
We help companies strengthen their strategy development processes, make better decisions, and implement them. We can help our clients find solutions to specific problems or design a whole new approach to strategic management and planning.
Winning strategies are based on more than optimistic timelines; they are based on bold, unbiased decisions. Implementing behavioral strategy processes reduces the impact of cognitive biases that can affect critical decisions made by even the most experienced leaders of the best companies.
We also help clients determine who should manage the strategic planning process. While executives remain ultimately responsible for strategic decisions, in many organizations they are increasingly turning to a chief strategy officer to develop and implement effective strategies.
We develop solutions tailored to a company's culture, organizational structure, team responsibilities and processes.